RATES: Sessions are based on an hourly rate of $160.
DREAMWORK: Individual consultations for understanding the meaning of dreams and developing new ways to explore dreams. Phone, Skype or in person. Minimum session: 30 minutes.
PAST-LIFE REGRESSION: Exploration of past, parallel and future lives under light hypnosis. Most sessions are 90 minutes or two hours. Phone, Skype or in person.
PSYCHOMANTEUM: Personal guided sessions with black mirrors for contacting the dead. Minimum session is 60 minutes. Must be done in person.
Spiritual Growth and Development
Angels: How to contact and work with angels in a variety of ways.
Akashic Records: Overview and how to access universal data banks
Life in the Afterlife: Evidence and beliefs concerning survival after death, the afterlife, heaven and hell
Intentionality: Changing consciousness to improve manifestation
Dreamwork: group dreamwork workshops using different techniques, can be tailored to formats of two, four and eight hours or a weekend
Dream Visits from the Dead: Dream encounters with those who have passed on
Dreams and Well-Being: How to use dreams to balance life and ensure healthy living
Psychic and Intuitive Skill Development: A variety of workshops tailored to beginning or advanced levels
Psychic Protection: Beginning to advanced levels of psychic protection techniques
Meditation circles: two-hour immersion experience using sacred sound, inspirational texts, deep silence, and walking meditation
Tarot: Beginning to advanced levels of Tarot work
Scrying the Spirit World With Black Mirrors: How to use black mirrors for psychic development and work, and to contact the dead
Communicating with the Dead and Spirits: Tools and technology for spirit communications, pros and cons of different techniques
Trans-dimensional Earth: The parallel worlds linked to Earth reality
New Perspectives on Reincarnation: Parallel lives and lives in nonhuman form
Exploring Past Lives: Light hypnosis regressions, can be tailored to formats of two, four, and eight hours or a weekend
Faeries: Introduction to the realm of fairies, how to establish contact
The Dumb Supper: An evening of honoring and communing with the dead (requires food service)
Honoring the Dead: Ancient customs adapted to modern times for maintaining relationships beyond the Veil.
Haunted Objects: How and why objects can become haunted by the dead, spirits, and curses, plus remedial actions
Doppelgangers: Characteristics, purposes and causes of projected doubles of humans and animals; folklore and history
High Strangeness on the Paranormal Road: Odd cases of hauntings and entity encounters, many with photographs, from Rosemary’s personal files.
Why Houses Are Haunted And What To Do About It: How places become haunted by various presences, remedies that can be applied
Solutions for Negative Hauntings: Hauntings that are difficult to remedy
Real Vampires: The human undead, vampiric nonhuman entitites, the emergence of the living vampire subculture
Dowsing the Paranormal: How dowsing can be used in paranormal investigation
The Zozo Phenomenon: Overview of a dark entity that stalks board players, and its long history of human interference
Weird Ouija: The strange, quirky history of the Ouija board and bizarre things that have happened to board users
OTHER TOPICS can be tailored to specific interests related to any of the 60 books I have written. If you don’t see a favorite topic here, ask me.